Sunday, 4 March 2012

This is the bit when you run out of the story, just before the back cover.

Dear phone talker on the train. I don't really care much for your conversation. Especially when we are at opposite ends of the carriage. It doesn't matter how they have wronged you. What happened to the unwritten rule that you get on your respective mode of public transport and shut up? Regardless of whether you are by yourself, with one or even ten friends. The rest of us couldn't give a flip flop about what you have to say. So mumble quietly or save it, Australians. How do three people occupy most of the seating in an airport. Put all there bags in front of seats and sit in the rest and shout to eachother because they decided not to sit within normal speaking distance of eachother. The end of my trip that took me to many amazing places around the world, and I'm whining about Australians. I met some incredible australians during my travels, unfortunately your countrymen have let you down, sorry all. Iv actually been home for a week and a half, and the reality of being here is sinking in. I don't know if I'll keep writing here or not. I enjoy reading what I write, or else I wouldn't write it. And as iv said numerous times I have no idea of anyone else reads this, but I couldn't care less. So ah yea. Mathematical. To (may)be continued.