Sunday, 15 April 2012

So this happened a while ago, I'm still home don't worry

I was just flicking through here, like im sure everyone does, really is captivating stuff. And it seems that my florence post isnt my florence post, its my lucerne post and no one knows about the time i had in florence, and my did i have a time. So here that time is. An if this if im wrong and this has all been up there, I doubt anyone will tell me.

Skipping the leather probably meant we got to the academia museum before the crowds, because we didn't line up yet there now is one. But then there wasn't so who knows really. At least I saw the actual statue of David. It's pretty big, the story is a little less impressive knowing thats how big David was. Unless Goliath was equally bigger. Then it really was giant killing. But were the people not terrified of this giant man who cut the head off of a gianter man? If he could do that to him imagine what he could do to them. Probably eat them. Florence was quite a lazy day, except for the 414 stairs we climbed to the top of the tower. The duomo was higher but we couldn't find the way in. But the tower had rest stops that made you think wait that can't be 400 steps yet. And while you tried to recount them in your head you find the next set, and onward and upward until you were looking over the entire of Florence. Except the dome. But the only difference between the two was whether you looked at the dome or the tower, and the dome was cooler. We did some more wandering and saw a funky bridge. Then in attempts to find a taxi home ended up in the church holding the remains of michaelangelo galileo Dante and some others who I can't remember right now. Before I post this i'll find my piece of paper that tells me so. I feel a little bad as I spent some time hanging out with these guys but I have a feeling they don't remember me either. Very big place that one was as well, didn't realize until it was too late there was a downstairs/underground. And then we went to space. Well space electronic disco. We did enjoy a lovely dinner with singing and dancing first. And then a club with karaoke downstairs and the club upstairs. And because no one wanted to karaoke it was way easier to pop down there for a drink rather than wait in line, unfortunately I told too many people this great plan of mine by the end of the night. So then it was cheeseburger time. They were some mighty cheeseburgers. I miss mine now, I wish I'd eaten it all.

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