Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Screaming children

Aboard the worlds slowest train, and already feeling less than flash, I had the pleasure of sharing my carriage with a wee young one. This young one had decided he felt like exercising his right to scream his head off for 40 minutes solid. While his mum took the just sit there ignoring him approach. At home yes this would show he wasn't going to get the attention he was seeking. However in public, especially when in the presence of someone who wants to stick your child's head in the door so it can scream as much as it wants outside, one might think encouraging him to shut up would be preferable. Or he will get something to scream about. Like the house who's alarm goes off all day, one day they won't have a tv. Aside from that fun part of my journey this train is certainly no ktx. And I don't actually have a guarantee of being picked up at the end of it. But by the time I publish this I'll have found out, so I might skip it and save it for the next post. I'm suspenseful like that. Always make sure before you go somewhere when you don't really have a way to contact whoever you hope is picking you up.

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